NTT launches Cloud SIM mobile broadband service in Japan
2020-10-10 10:40:17

Original Link:クラウドSIM技術を用いたビジネス向けモバイルSIMブロードバンドサービス「DoRACOON(ドゥラクーン)」のビジネストライアルおよび、一部ユーザ向け先行サービス提供開始について


June 8, 2020

Regarding launch of a business trial of mobile SIM broadband service "DoRACOON" for business using Cloud SIM technology and an early provision of service for some users. 

NTT Media Supply Cp., Ltd. 

NTT Media Supply Co., Ltd. (Head Office: Osaka-shi, Osaka, President: Hiroshi Takahashi, hereinafter "NTT Media Supply") will launch a business trial of mobile SIM broadband service "DoRACOON" for business using Cloud SIM technology * and start providing services for some users early. 

* SIM Technology is the technology to manage SIMs of multiple mobile carriers on the cloud side and use the best communication infrastructure according to the user's environment

[Exhibit 1] DoRACOON Service Overview 

1. Background and Purpose

As a member of the NTT West Corporation Group, NTT Media Supply has been mainly working to resolve the issues of local organizations and companies. In September 2012, NTT Media Supply began providing public Wi-Fi services for store and facility owners "DoSPOT", and in June 2013, it began providing "DoSPOT STREET" to local governments and small and medium-sized enterprises.

On considering more in-depth resolution for the issues using relations with the customers, knowledge and know-how obtained from the Wi-Fi services, we have received various requests for the development of stable broadband environments and the provision of infrastructure in areas and facilities where it is difficult to lay optical lines and we have started discussions for the provision of mobile SIM broadband service for business using cloud SIM technology "DoRACOON" as a new service and are proceeding with preparations for its commercialization.

Under this background, NTT Media Supply will commence a business trial from June 8 with the aim of "Creation of new business models utilizing DoRACOON".

In addition, because DoRACOON is a service that helps companies that are affected by the recent new coronavirus and that need to prepare a remote work environment urgently, we will start providing the service to some users in advance.

2. Business Trial Content 

With the cooperation of trial support companies, we will conduct the business trials in cooperation with companies in various fields (Education, Medical Care, Tourism, Agriculture, Food and Drink, etc.).

(1) Introduction of Trial Support Companies


Supporting launch of services by utilizing knowledge and know-how on mobile communications and cloud SIM technology acquired through the communications solution business

• GIN Co., Ltd

Supporting examination of business models by utilizing knowledge in wide range of fields and inter-company networks acquired through support projects for regional development

(2) Introduction of Trial Business Operators/outline of the Trial ※ Contents as of June 8, 2020

• IC Net Limited (Gakken Group)

Creation of environment to browse learning contents for children in families with children of foreign roots

• Kids Project Co., Ltd. 

Planning and development of edutainment contents for kids and families

• Vigalux Inc. 

Creation of webcam environment for medical examination in mobile clinic (portable clinic)

• Taniko Co., Ltd. 

Creation of environment connecting each NW devices at stores (mainly restaurants)

• MITATE Ltd. 

Real-time distribution of unique tourism experience contents

• Green Glass Co., Ltd. 

Content shooting and distribution during agricultural instruction in remote 

3. Distribution of the Service in advance 

We will explain the terms and conditions of the service individually, so please contact the inquiry counter.
*We will close the early distribution of service on a first-come-first-served basis.

4. Service Characteristics / Expected Usage 

We will provide stable and inexpensive broadband services by utilizing network redundancy and data capacity of Cloud SIM efficiently. In DoRACOON, multiple terminals for provision are prepared, and terminals and services are provided according to the usage.
[Exhibit 2] Expected Usage

5. Service Area

all over the country 

6. Business Trial and Pre-Service Start Date

2020 Monday, June 8

7. Outlook for the future

Regardless of the trials mentioned above, we will continue to provide one-stop proposals and services that include not only IoT/ICT but also access networks in response to requests from customers in a wide range of businesses.


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